The Eldar

Before the Manzikert System was settled by man it was known as Dulthana to the Eldar and formed a part of their vast Empire. A world of unimaginable science, many wonders were created on the planet, from incredible art to weapons of unimaginable destruction, some of which are only spoken of in whispers in the Black Library.

After The Fall Eldar life on Dulthana waned and died out, however a watchful eye was kept on the planet by passing Craftworlds and Harlequin Troupes. The human presence was tolerated but it was ensured their technology remained at a Medieval level so as they would not discover or take an in interest in the wonders of Dulthana. Knowing that the forces of Chaos would covet such a world the Harlequins also worked to ensure that no Chaos Cult became the ascendant power.

However the speed a which 'The Star god', Genestealer Cult spread across the planet took the Eldar by surprise. Knowing the approach of the Hive Fleet was now inevitable a daring plan was made. Eldar forces would spring out of the Webway and secure the Treasures of Dulthana, they would then destroy the planet using the Ancient Dulthana weaponry, ripping the very fabric of the planet apart to ensure Dulthana would never be despoiled again.  

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